Monday, January 24, 2011

Capstan Shafts

Here's some video I shot of two partial Capstan Shafts songs. I don't know what they are named. Capstan Shafts were really good though! I totally agree with the comment James made about them sounding like early Green Day covering Guided By Voices, though I think there's more than a little Milky Wimpshake thrown in there, too. (James's confusion over where everyone was I think shows him underestimating his own taste-making power, because an afternoon post on Nailgun, had there been one, would probably have delivered the crowd who's absence he rightly bemoaned).

There are only two things I didn't like about the Capstan Shafts. One is that their guitar player / singer is left handed, and the other is that the bass player had a five-string bass. Other than that they were straight up awesome.

I hope we get to play with those guys again. They were nice.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Set List January 5th

I just found this while cleaning up my room.

It's the setlist from our show at the Taphouse last week, here flanked by some major works of German romanticism.
What was the mystery opener? All I can tell you is, next time we play a cover, I hope we practice it first.

Whoa, I just sold something on Amazon. Awesome!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Upcoming Show at Tea Bazaar

We don't seem to be listed in any of the usual places, but Jacob assures us that we are indeed playing with the Capstan Shafts on the 22nd, which is a week from this Saturday. [Edit - we're on the Holy Smokes page now. Thanks, Jacob!]

No word yet on the third band. Do you want to play?

Nilsson's Popeye demos = Genius.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

That Was Fun

Wow! It's been a month since anything has been posted here. I have some videos of bands we've played with recently that I keep meaning to post.

Here's some pictures of last night, though.
The Ha-Rang
The Ha-Rang again
Marie from Corsair's kickass plexi head
People outside
Gull also played, and I have about thirty seconds of video of him, but I didn't take any pictures (it was too dark). Gull, The Ha-Rang, and Corsair were all really great. It was an evening of really good local bands that are all really different from one another. Something for everybody!

RIP The Taphouse. It was a good place.