Saturday, July 25, 2009


Now, to add to the below still life attempts are some (albeit darkish) videos of us bringing the Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar to it's knees. First is Victory Lap, then Make You Feel Better, then all but the last few seconds of Not the Strut. Enjoy!

Photos from the show!

Here are a bunch of photos attempting to capture in still life how much we rocked last night at the Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar. Enjoy.

Mss. & Drunk Tigers

We played at Tea Bazaar last night with two bands, Mss. and Drunk Tigers. Both bands were really good.

Mss. (bottom) do like a low-key noisy thing, and their songs were really haunting. Their stage setup is sort of reminiscent of a local news broadcast.

Drunk Tigers (top) brought the rock! My picture of them is even worse than most of my pictures -- it's of them setting up and not all the members are in it -- but I couldn't get close enough to take another one because of all their adoring fans. Charlottesville has got it bad for Drunk Tigers!

The new bass player in Drunk Tigers let us borrow his speaker cab, which was nice.

Wait, did we get our power strip and orange extension cord back from them?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fliers - 7/24/2009

Here are the fliers for tomorrow's show at Tea Bazaar! We're storked!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Words from Behind the Drumkit

Hi everyone! I am not currently behind the drumkit, the title is more metaphoric as I am the new drummer and thought I would say hi. Which I did at the beginning, so that's taken care of. My name is Kris and I am excited to be a part of the band and am ready to rock hard in the name of The Hilarious Posters. I don't have anything to witty to say right at the moment, but I look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming shows and keeping the beat steady. See you soon!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dear Diary...

Dear Recording Diary,

Yesterday I fell asleep and missed my recording date!

I feel like such a loser now! OMG will Dave still like me after this?

We were supposed to record an all new demo of Not the Strut and possibly something else.

I hope he doesn't tell anybody. I wouldn't be able to show my face in public again!

Why am I the only person these things happen to?!?!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

And The Winner Is........

We would like to announce that the official "Be The Drummer For The Hilarious Posters" contest is officially over and the winner is..........Master Kristofer Hough, 31, of Charlottesville, Virginia. Kris sent in over 2,000 Sugarbread Pops box tops and was the only contestant to correctly answer the question, "What is Sam Turner's real age?" Thank you to all who entered and congratulations Kris! We look forward to great things in the future!

- The HPs

Monday, July 6, 2009

The HPs Don't Fight The Power, We.....

Here are some pics from last night's show at the Bridge PAI. Thanks to Wendy Hsu for inviting us to play and to Wanli and Renminbi for playing some great sets! And a special thanks to our friend Sarah for taking these pics and making us look like the '95 era rock stars we are!

Renminbi & Wanli

We played last night with Renminbi (bottom), from Brooklyn, and Wanli (top), from around Virginia. Here are some pictures of those bands I took with my phone. Sorry the quality isn't so good.

The show at The Bridge was a lot of fun. Thanks to all who showed up, participated, and organized.

Lisa from Renminbi had a cool guitar and a cool amp I'd never seen before.

The art show there, Destroyed by Madness, was really cool too. If you can get to The Bridge this month you should check it out.

Saturday, July 4, 2009