Friday, December 25, 2009
Holiday Surprise Day 5: Sugarbread Falls
"Sugarbread Falls is the place that we all choose to be," indeed! And so our Holiday Surprise comes to an end! We hope you've enjoyed this opportunity to get a free sneak preview of our new ep. We hope to have the actual release sometime in February and the chances are very likely that some additional mastering and mixing will happen before then. Here's wishing everyone a very happy holiday season! We're going to drown ourselves in some nog! Enjoy and we'll see you in 2010! Thanks as always for listening!
[Sugarbread Falls has been removed. Hope you enjoyed the Hilarious Posters Holiday Surprise! Look for the actual ep to be released sometime in February!]
-The Hilarious Posters
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Holiday Surprise Day 4: Little Boy

[Little Boy has been removed. Check in tomorrow for Holiday Surprise Day 5: Sugarbread Falls!]
- The Hilarious Posters
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Holiday Surprise Day 3: The Fists & The Fighting
....and on we move to Day Three of our big Holiday Extravaganza! Just think of it as the 12 Days of Christmas or eight nights of Hanukkah on a minor scale. Here we have track three off the upcoming ep, a tale of a peasant revolt and ensuing merriment, The Fists & The Fighting. Man oh man, can you just imagine what it will be like when all of these tracks are compiled together on one ep?! Can you believe we're crazy enough to give all this great music away for free?! We can't either! But get it fast! And come back Thursday and Friday for two more Poster sized morsels of pop! See you then!
[The Fists & The Fighting has been removed. Check in tomorrow for Holiday Surprise Day 4: Little Boy!]
- The Hilarious Posters
Monday, December 21, 2009
Holiday Surprise Day 2: Geniuses

[Geniuses has been removed. Check in tomorrow for Holiday Surprise Day 3: The Fists & The Fighting!]
- The Hilarious Posters
Holiday Surprise Day 1: Absence
[Absence has been removed. Check in tomorrow for Holiday Surprise Day 2: Geniuses!]
- The Hilarious Posters
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Finish Line

I'd like to dedicate this post, though, to all the heroes who weren't lucky enough to make it to the ends of their respective journeys this year. The Hilarious Posters won't forget you, and, more importantly, we won't forget the example you set. Your courage in the face of adversity shows me exactly how I would hope to comport myself (if I weren't a success). Especially this time of year, we have to remember that losing is just another kind of winning. With that in mind, enjoy this video produced by One True Media, whose work I "greatly admire."
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Finishing Up Audio
There's snow all over the ground all over town. It's really winter now!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
We played at Tea Bazaar on the 18th, which was last Wednesday. About 25 people were at the show. The crowd roared like a lion. The band really whooped a dinosaur's ass.
Thanks to Gary for taking this video.
We played with Left & Right and Viva Viva. The latter is from Massachusetts and sort of did a bluesy early-Rolling Stones thing. They had a really nice organ.
Left & Right played awesome indie rock stuff with really smart two-guitar arrangements and triple fab vocal harmonies. They are, like Pompadour, UVA undergrads. They were really good. Definitely tied with Pompadour for my favorite band we've played with so far.
I didn't take any pictures because my phone takes such bad pictures that they all end up looking the same.
I recorded a demo of a new song the other day, and I'm trying to write lyrics for it. It's another metal anthem, like the infamous "Stain Alive," though I'm hoping this one will meet Dave's quality control standards.
We're going to go on holiday, and then come back in 2010 with a finished EP, whose cover art I'm hoping will strike a blow for creative freedom against the ogre of intellectual property law, and some new songs.
This decade sucked, by the way.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Recording Today
Here's Kris manning the controls while Dave sings.
I also took this one a couple of days ago of what the screen on the Mac looks like when we're "laying down tracks." I think we were recording drums on Fists.
We're so close to done!
Friday, November 6, 2009
New Jamz & Wrapping Up The Year
It looks like we'll most likely be playing one more show this year, on Wednesday, November 18th at Tea Bazaar with Massachusetts rockers, Viva Viva, and local boys the Left and Right Band. Our other year end goal is to finish the ep which we're very close to doing. Thanks to everybody for helping us make 2009 the Year of the Posters! Hopefully we can make 2010 even more rockin' with twice as many shows and a full length album! That being said, this will most likely not be the last time you hear from us this year! Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Last Week: Part II

On Sunday we recorded a bunch of stuff for The Fists and the Fighting. We did drums, bass, and guitar. Once we get keyboard and vocals on it our five-song opus will be recorded at last, and only the mixing will be left to do.

The Fists and the Fighting is going in kind of a psychedelic direction, which will, I hope, garner some mainstream attention without alienating our core fan base.
It's election day, and I have a sad feeling that in our commonwealth the voice of reason will be drowned out by the shouting of tea-party lunatics. The really depressing thing is that these people are not crazy to be angry, but their anger has been mobilized and narrated for them by corporate fat cats, and so their so-called movement is working to defend the very economic order that has caused their problems. They are attacking government interventions which, imperfect though they may be, are our last and best defense against the rise of a post-state corporate order, like in Rollerball. Anyway, just the fact that these people can show up to vote at all should remind them that the implicit parallel they draw between themselves and the eighteenth-century Boston Tea Party is crass and rhetorically irresponsible. You can look all you want; there is no latent argument in the actions of the founding dudes against a democratically elected government levying taxes on people who can vote.
Last Week: Part I
First up: we played at Tea Bazaar last Thursday with US Royalty and our specially invited guests The Moore Brothers from California.

I'm listening to the theme from The Monkeys on the library's collective iTunes server right now. Did you know there's a long version of it that has all these extra lyrics? Now Day Dream Believer is on. It's a weird stereo mix with everything but piano on the left.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Production Log: October 15

I'm really into the new setup in the basement, where we can use multiple rooms and isolate the control room from the performance room. I wish we could get some badass wall plates so we could have the people in the performance room just plug into the wall and send that from the other wall to the computer. That would be the shit! It'd be all like white-album because you could record with people and not even see them.

It's looking like our EP will not be finished this month, but it should hit shelves in time for the holidays.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Production Log: October 1, 4

I thought rather than just talk about what happened I'd create a record of what guitars were used for what on the songs we've recorded -- or at least on the ones that I play guitar on.
Little Boy is pretty much all done on the silver Stratocaster I played in VHS & The Babies. The evil distorted riff is done on the Flying V (aka the Nekrolog guitar) though. That riff is distorted using a 1990s ProCo Rat (yes, for those who care, it has the lm308 op amp) on the left channel and a green late 1980s (?) Sovtek Big Muff on the right. Both those pedals were christmas presents from my brother Isaac in 2006 and 2007 respectively, so props to him. All the guitar was recorded through the Super Reverb. The tremolo on the arpeggio at the end of the song is the on-board tremolo on that amp.

As for the double-bend riff that opens the song and divides the verses from one another, I sort of had a dilemma, as the original demo I made when I wrote the song (probably in like April of 2008) had this really great guitar sound on that part which I couldn't duplicate. It was recorded with the strat through the Stang Ray, but I was running the signal through an Analogman NKT275 Sunface with my guitar's volume dialed way down. That was one kickass fuzz pedal, but unfortunately last winter I was forced to sell it for a mess of pottage. I tried to get the same effect with another pedal (the amazing but different Fulltone '69), but I still don't think it quite captures the lo-fi nastiness of the original, which I preserve below for posterity:
Geniuses demo, Spring 2008.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Box (moderately murky) videos!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The first picture shows us before our set, pondering this question. Dave is thinking: "Is a child the answer?"

A child sort of was the answer, though. Because eventually the two lads and two lasses of Pompadour came to play, and they kicked ass! In this picture they're all like: "Dreaming is not the answer!"
A lot of their songs sort of sounded like "Godsend" by Beat Happening, except faster. Oh, and shorter. But there was lots of pretty and kind of bitter-sweet two-guitar type stuff, lots of reverb, drums, no bass, boy/girl vocals. Actually, their whole aesthetic reminded me very much of the whole You Turn Me On album, which I was totally into. I hope we can play with them again (except this time on purpose).
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Box: Monday, Sptember 28

We are playing with D.C.'s Typefighter.
The show is free.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Production Log: September 17

This song already exists as several demo versions I did myself, and as an ultra-rare "countrified" version recorded by Nekrolog in 2007, so we're hoping to use studio smoke and mirrors to make this new one stand out as the definitive iteration.
Even the sky mocks my pain, as our journey continues.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Recording Continues....
I haven't been keeping up with recording notes on the blog because at this point things are moving so slowly and the tweaking is so subtle that it would just be the same thing every time I posted. It'd be all like: "Turned down the reverb today. Here's a picture of what I looked like doing it. LOL! WTF! Natch!"
Though if the point of this blog is in part so that we can all look back when we're old at the day-to-day activities of a band we were once in then I probably shouldn't be overly concerned with entertainment value, ね? それは日本語でですから。
Absence, Geniuses, and Sugarbread Falls continue to hover in that weird gray area somewhere between "perfect" and "tolerable." They all sound good, but not so good that I feel ready to stop screwing around with them.
On the 6th ultimo Dave and I recorded lead vocals and lead guitar on Geniuses, and re-did the electric guitar on Absence. Also on Absence I added some bad-ass electric piano which you will probably just barely hear in the final mix.
Yesterday we made subtle mixing changes to everything.
Still left to do are some trumpet fixes, made necessary by some poorly thought out mic placement the first time around, then two more songs from the ground up. And possibly some backing vocals on Absence?
It's still rock n roll to me,
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tiny Mtns, The Great Unknown
As for our show at Tea Bazaar the night before last, we "headlined," playing to an elite crew of only our most devoted followers.
Before we took the stage two bands played. Tiny Mtns (formerly called Elijah Wyman) had acoustic guitar, clarinet, and banjo. The middle third of the set was performed by Elijah alone, on auto-harp, which he played without having to look at the labels on the buttons, something I'd beforehand only seen done by my second-grade music teacher. In trio-mode they had some really cool three-part harmonies. The Great Unknown was five strong guys from Philadelphia. They had two guitars, bass, drums, and a lap steel. They were country and West(ern)-Philadelphia music, I guess. They confirmed what my brother has said about Philadelphia having a difficult to use bus system.
Friday, August 28, 2009
I'm at Mss!
Posted via text message:
OMG! I'm at the mss. show right now!
Edit (the next day): Maybe it's because Mss. looks a lot like mms, but I felt like trying out some techno-live-blogging while watching Mss. throw corn and rock the shit out of the Tea Bazaar last night.
Anyway, here's some pictures I took of them.
They were awesome, as usual. Low-key barely-controlled chaos. I certainly hope the Posters can play with them again some time this fall.
Anybody who is frustrated with the lack of clarity in these pictures is welcome to buy me a new phone with a better camera.
More pretty dark live videos!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tea Bazaar, Thursday, August 27th
Sunday, August 16, 2009
We Humbly Present.....
Monitor Mix Theme Song
- Dave
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Monitor Mix Vlog Theme Song Contest
- Dave of the HPs
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Record Making - 8/2/2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Dear Diary...
Dear Recording Diary,
Yesterday Dave, Kris, and I recorded a bunch of stuff on Geniuses and Absence. We made a lot of progress.
I spent a long time restringing and tweaking the bridge of the Flying V, and when I was done I couldn't really get a good sound out of it. I'm such a thumb!
I'm starting to think that pure nickel strings only sound good with single coil pickups. The pure nickels sound good with the single coils, but humbuckers sound too dull with them, and sound better with nickel plated steel. I probably should have tried playing the V through the Super Reverb, as that amp has always delivered good tone when properly mic-ed. It doesn't sound as good as the Stang Ray in the room, but on record for some reason it often sounds even better.
I also lowered the tail piece on the Flying V, which I hope will help it stay in tune better. Maybe then Dave will start to accept it!
Can't we all just get along?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Photos from the show!
Mss. & Drunk Tigers
We played at Tea Bazaar last night with two bands, Mss. and Drunk Tigers. Both bands were really good.
Mss. (bottom) do like a low-key noisy thing, and their songs were really haunting. Their stage setup is sort of reminiscent of a local news broadcast.
Drunk Tigers (top) brought the rock! My picture of them is even worse than most of my pictures -- it's of them setting up and not all the members are in it -- but I couldn't get close enough to take another one because of all their adoring fans. Charlottesville has got it bad for Drunk Tigers!
The new bass player in Drunk Tigers let us borrow his speaker cab, which was nice.
Wait, did we get our power strip and orange extension cord back from them?